Numinous The Music of Joseph C. Phillips Jr. |
The Numinosum Blog
You can now watch scenes from my new score to Ernst Lubitsch's 1922 film The Loves of Pharaoh. Commissioned for the Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM) 30th Next Wave Festival and performed live with a screening of a restored version of the film by Numinous October 18, 19, 20, 2012 at BAM Harvey Theater (audio recording was done live at October 19, 2012 screening).
The Loves of Pharaoh Act 1 Scenes 1 & 2
Synopsis: A message is received by the King of Egypt from the King of Ethiopia offering an alliance. An accident occurs at the Pharaoh's treasury. The Loves of Pharaoh Act 2 Scene 2 Ramphis & Theonis Synopsis: The son of Pharaoh's Treasury builder, Ramphis, and the slave girl stolen from the Ethiopian King's daughter, Theonis, begin their falling in love but the Pharaoh has other plans. The Loves of Pharaoh Act 3 Scenes 1 & 2 & 3 Synopsis: Pharaoh "loves" Theonis, Theonis loves Ramphis, so Pharaoh plans to kill Ramphis, unless... The Loves of Pharaoh Act 4 Scenes 3 & 4 & 5 Synopsis: Theonis becomes Queen to save her love Ramphis while the Ethiopian army approaches Egypt; Ramphis escapes the prison quarry and returns to his father The Loves of Pharaoh Act 5 Scene 3 Synopsis: Ramphis goes to Pharaoh's Treasury to seek revenge on the imprisoned Queen for the cause of his father being blinded and finds an unexpected surprise The Loves of Pharaoh Act 6 Scene 3 Synopsis: After being believed killed by the Ethiopian King in battle, King Amenes returns to Egypt to claim his wife and maybe his throne The Loves of Pharaoh Act 6 Scene 4 & 5 Synopsis: Two Kings and one Queen, the Game of Thrones begins… Flutes: Jessica Schmitz Clarinets/Saxophone: Ken Thomson Trumpet: Stephanie Richards Horn: Lis Rubard Tuba: Jacob Garchik Guitar: Amanda Monaco Vibraphone: Tom Beckham Piano/Keyboard: Carmen Staaf Celtic Harp: Maeve Gilchrist Voice 1: Sara Serpa Voice 2: Jean Rohe Violin 1: Ana Milosavljevic Violin 2: Scott Tixier Viola 1: Hannah Levinson Viola 2: Brian Lindgren Cello 1: Richard Vaudrey Cello 2: Mariel Roberts Bass: Matt Aronoff Conductor: Joseph C. Phillips Jr. POSTED BY NUMINOUS AT 6:08 PM Thursday October 10th Numinous will perform on pianist Simone Dinnerstein's Neighborhood Classics concert series. This series features well-known classical artists such as Richard Stoltzman, Maya Beiser, Pablo Ziegler, Zuill Bailey, Simone herself, and many others who donate their time to perform an evening concert at a local NYC public school, with all of the proceeds benefitting programs at that school (the series started at P.S. 321 in Brooklyn and since has expanded to a couple of other schools in the city). It's a wonderful series with incredible performances and ALWAYS sold-out with enthusiastic crowds of parents, kids, and neighbors.
For our show, a reduced-sized Numinous will play live with a screening of a few scenes from my score to Ernst Lubitsch's silent film The Loves of Pharaoh, which premiered at last year's Next Wave Festival at the Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM)-this will be the first performance with the film since the premiere last October; in addition, we'll perform some of my chamber music including an audience interactive piece based on seeing synchronous fireflies in Malaysia a few years ago and a new composition based on a children's picture book. Thursday October 10th, 2013 7:30PM Neighborhood Classics concert series P.S. 321 Auditorium 180 7th Avenue Brooklyn You can order tickets here To get you in the mood below is the promo from the Next Wave Festival performance at BAM last year, with music for a scene from my score to The Loves of Pharaoh. POSTED BY NUMINOUS AT 8:31 PM We reached our Kickstarter goal last week for our project To Begin the World Over Again! Thank you to all that helped us and we look forward to seeing you sometime in these next two weeks for the performances and community events. Rehearsals have been going wonderfully and after hearing and seeing everything together, I can say (even if I wasn't biased) that it's going to be beautiful. To Begin the World Over Again September 27, 28, 29 October 4, 5, 6 Irondale Center 85 South Oxford Street Brooklyn, NY 8:00 PM Tickets here $20 General Admission/$15 Students and Seniors POSTED BY NUMINOUS AT 2:42 PM "We have it in our power to begin the world over again...the birth of a new world is at hand." -Thomas Paine, Common Sense (1776) POSTED BY NUMINOUS AT 9:43 AM And to think that the events of the evening July 20, 1969, instead of leading to more beautiful, numinous achievements, sadly 43 years later have only become dreams of wonders undreamt. POSTED BY NUMINOUS AT 12:36 PM Should an independancy [sic] be brought...we have every opportunity and every encouragement before us, to form the noblest purest constitution on the face of the earth. We have it in our power to begin the world over again.-Thomas Paine, Common Sense, Addressed to the Inhabitants of America, 1776 On this day we celebrate America, we should also be thinking about and appreciating the 'Forgotten Founding Father' Thomas Paine. To read some of Paine's writings such as Common Sense, The American Crisis, or The Rights of Man is to realize how much he has meant to the formation of the ideals of America and how those ideas are still resonant today, even if America hasn't always lived up to those ideals (or acknowledged Paine's full role in them). Beyond Paine's words themselves, check out Harvey Kaye's wonderful book, Thomas Paine and the Promise of America, which in many ways helped to stoke the fires that became To Begin the World Over Again.
To Begin the World Over Again Dance Performance, Panel Discussions, Art Exhibition, Teach-in's September 27, 28, 29 October 4, 5, 6 2012 by Edisa Weeks and Joseph C. Phillips Jr. performed by Delirious Dances and Numinous co-produced by the Irondale Center Irondale Center 85 South Oxford Street Brooklyn, NY check back here or at for more information POSTED BY NUMINOUS AT 12:00 PM
While Black Mamba was the most celebrated and lethal member of DeVAS (Deadly Viper Assassination Squad), there was actually one "forgotten" member who was more funky and kickasstastic: Red Mamba. Sometimes know as Ana Milosavljevic, Red Mamba debuts May 18th, 2012 at the Tribeca New Music Festival during an event entitled, The Red Viper Project. While usually operating under stealth conditions, some clandestine video footage of Red Mamba in action has been uncovered. Be warned, after viewing you might feel the urge to seek out Red Mamba on May 18th at The Cell Theater 338 West 23rd Street (btw. 8th & 9th Ave.) 8 pm to witness her kickasstery for yourself.
"Beauty is unbearable, driving us to despair, offering us for a minute the glimpse of an eternity that we should like to stretch out over the whole of time."-Albert Camus
POSTED BY NUMINOUS AT 6:23 PM Outer Space from Sander van den Berg on Vimeo. sad, upset, & embarassed Obama 'had' 2 release BC, then @baratunde response helps bring some of my feelings into words Numinousmusic Joe Phillips of course @TheOnion breaks it down even further "BREAKING: Trump Unable To Produce Certificate Proving He's Not A Festering Pile Of Shit" Numinousmusic Joe Phillips I think these recent tweets of mine sum up my thoughts about Obama releasing his birth certificate today. Baratunde's response, which is embedded below, is worth contemplation for all Americans... POSTED BY NUMINOUS AT 9:00 PM Saturday Night Live's Worst of Soul Train with Triangle Sally, Bro-botix, Diversity...Loved it!
POSTED BY NUMINOUS AT 9:33 AM More fun from my Interlake High School band director archives: a great first place award-winning performance from the January 27, 1995 Finals performance at the Clark College Jazz Festival in Vancouver, Washington. We performed "Technically Speaking" by Mike Pendowski and finished with a spirited version of Louis Prima's "Sing, Sing, Sing." POSTED BY NUMINOUS AT 10:21 AM
WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 29, 2010 During my years teaching high school band and International Baccalaureate music at Interlake High School in Bellevue, Washington (many years ago now), we had some fantastic groups (for example, I've previously discussed our residency with composer Maria Schneider-May 2010). Now that I'm converting some of my old VHS tapes into digital, I'm going through many old videos of all of the groups I taught at Interlake and getting to see again and remember how much talent were in those groups. It is bringing back some great memories for me so I'll be sharing some of those performances with you and you can see and hear for yourself (including some time in 2011, our aforementioned legendary concert with Maria Schneider). First I have three videos from January 30, 1998 in which the Interlake High School Jazz Ensemble won first place in the AA division at the Clark College Jazz Festival in Vancouver, WA. This was a great festival for it featured many of the great high school programs in Washington and Oregon (including the much bejeweled Garfield and Roosevelt High School Jazz Bands, although not in our division since they were AAAA schools owing to their larger populations). We performed two compositions for the preliminary competition during the afternoon ("Wyrgly" by Maria Schneider and "After the Rain" by John Coltrane and arranged by me) and when selected as one of three bands for the evening competition, we performed "Wyrgly" again along with "Fingers" by Thad Jones. So here are the Finals performances, enjoy! (you can view the prelims on my Youtube channel) POSTED BY NUMINOUS AT 4:28 PM
With the 2010 Christmas snowmageddon, I've had a little time (when I wasn't shoveling) to get to a few things I've been wanting to do for years. One of those things was to transfer some old VHS tapes into digital files. With help from Santa, who supplied me with a video capture device, these past few days I've been doing the slow slog of converting those tapes and uploading them. It actually has been wonderful to see some of the long ago events/performances/concerts that I participated in. So over the next few months I'll be sharing some of the treasure trove with the world. Back in 2000 I was commissioned by JoLea Maffei and the Maffei Dance Company of NY to compose a new work. The resultant composition, "Flying" was used for the dance Multimatrix, choreographed by JoLea Maffei and performed February 11-12, 2000 at the Theatre of the Riverside Church in New York City. For the Maffei Dance Company's 2002 season, with financial help from the American Music Center's Live Music for Dance grant, Multimatrix was performed with live accompaniment by members of Numinous, with myself conducting. In addition, I was commissioned to write a new composition, "Penumbra." Penumbra and Multimatrix were performed on March 21-23, 2002 at the Merce Cunningham Studios in New York City. So below are the opening night performances of both Penumbra and Multimatrix. POSTED BY NUMINOUS AT 3:07 PM
A few weeks ago I posted video of my dance piece, The Distance of the Moon, featuring TAKE Dance and the Pulse ensemble. Now I have the footage from my other dance collaboration this year: "These are the Times that Try Men's Souls". Performed as a works-in-progress on June 3rd and 4th 2010 at the Tribeca Performing Arts Center, this work is part of a larger piece, To Begin the World Over Again. Based on the writings of Thomas Paine, this collaboration with choreographer Edisa Weeks and Delirious Dances is partly funded through the American Music Center's Live Music for Dance grant and will premiere in June 2011 at the Irondale Theater. The June 2010 performances featured: Cristal Albornoz, Paul Hamilton, Maxx Passion (dancers); Ben Kono, Steve Lyon (woodwinds); Stephanie Richards (trumpet); Amanda Monaco, Mike Baggetta, (electric guitar); Megan Levin (harp); Deanna Witkowski, Aaron Kotler (keyboards); Charenee Wade, Sara Serpa, Melissa Stylianou (voice); Jared Soldiviero (snare drum); Ana Milosavljevic (violin); Will Martina (violoncello); Shawn Conley (bass); Joseph C. Phillips Jr., conductor POSTED BY NUMINOUS AT 8:39 PM Well as I mentioned in an earlier post, 2010 has turned out to be quite the dance year for me. Not actually dancing myself (although THAT would be interesting) but rather a number of commissions for works for others to dance. In June a showing of one section (These are the Times that Try Men's Souls) from my collaboration with Edisa Weeks, To Begin the World Over Again, which is based on the writings of Thomas Paine. And last month on October 14 and 15th, another collaboration with TAKE Dance and my 'other' group Pulse, The Distance of the Moon. Both collaborations you'll hear and see more of next year, with the full evening premiere of To Begin the World Over Again taking place the first two weeks of June 2011 at Irondale Theater in Brooklyn and another Pulse and TAKE Dance project tentatively schedule for Fall 2011. So check back for more details. For now you can see for yourself some of what I've been doing this year, so let's roll the tape...first up, "The Distance of the Moon". You can watch all of the dances of The Distance of the Moon from the other composers and choreographers at the Pulse blog or my Numinousmusic Youtube channel and can check out other great photos from the show here. POSTED BY NUMINOUS AT 10:38 AM |
The NuminosumTo all things that create a sense of wonder and beauty that inspires and enlightens. Categories
Thanks and credit to all the original photos on this website to: David Andrako, Concrete Temple Theatre, Marcy Begian, Mark Elzey, Ed Lefkowicz, Donald Martinez, Kimberly McCollum, Geoff Ogle, Joseph C. Phillips Jr., Daniel Wolf-courtesy of Roulette, Andrew Robertson, Viscena Photography, Jennifer Kang, Carolyn Wolf, Mark Elzey, Karen Wise, Numinosito. The Numinous Changing Same album design artwork by DM Stith. The Numinous The Grey Land album design and artwork by Brock Lefferts. Contact for photo credit and information on specific images.